The 18th Changchun Auto Expo Ended Successfully with a Turno

2021-07-21 13:20:46

The 18th China (Changchun) International Auto Expo, which lasted for 10 days, concluded on 18thThis grand event not only ignited the passion of Changchun people and fans, but also achieved remarkable results: A total of 33,482 vehicles were sold, with a cumulative transaction volume of 6.69 billion yuan; The main venue, Changchun International Conference and Exhibition Center, attracted 375,000 people and the sub-venue attracted 89,000 people, with a total of 464,000 people and the more than 10 million online visitors. As the golden business card of Changchun, Changchun Auto Expo once again bloomed with unique charm in midsummer.

"New Height" for Exhibition

Under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the Organizing Committee of the Auto Expo overcame many difficulties and launched the show with emotion and attract investment with heart, thus achieving a new breakthrough of the exhibition.

New breakthroughs in terms of exhibition scale. This year's Changchun Auto Expo was displayed in the form of "main venue+sub-venue+online", realizing the display effect of "one main venue, multiple zones, and synchronous interaction". With a total exhibition area of over 200,000 square meters, there are 153 automobile brands, 127 exhibitors and 1,403 vehicles on display in the main venue. Each venue was linked with the Auto Expo at the same time, and a total of 322 vehicles were exhibited. Under the general environment that the Covid-19 epidemic has not been completely eliminated, the exhibition industry has gradually recovered, and the domestic auto show has curtailed year-on-year, the overall scale of this Auto Expo has been steadily increasing, which fully demonstrates the vigorous vitality of Changchun Auto Expo, and also reflects the important position of Changchun Auto Expo among the domestic auto shows.

New concept in terms of the exhibition layout. There is the first "Motor Culture Activity Experience Hall" in Hall 1, which has centrally arranged cultural activities such as Online Celebrity Live Streaming, Auto Model Competition and E-sports Contest. Hall 2 is an international ultra-luxury car hall, Halls 3, 4 and 5 are private halls for high-end motor brand, and Hall 9 is FAW Group Brand Hall. This exhibition layout fully highlights the new concept of improving the brand image of this year's Auto Expo, which combines the clean and elegant booth design of major manufacturers with top-notch technology with distinctive features, presenting an unprecedented visual feast for the audience.

New technologies of the exhibits. On this Auto Expo, investment in new technologies and hot spots in the automotive industry has increased, and new energy, new power, new technologies and new models have emerged one after another. More than 30 new car conferences have been held and 76 new energy models have been displayed, which has greatly improved the scientific and technological content of this Auto Expo. In addition, new technologies, such as intelligent travel, online car-driving and unmanned driving, have also become the new focus of the exhibition, which fully reflects the theme of "Empowering a Better Life" this year.

New level of online display services. By upgrading the online "Exhibition E-Link" APP integrated service platform, the Organizing Committee of Auto Expo not only provided a large amount of auto show information, information and data for netizens who can't go to the site, but also provided mobile publishing channels for major brand manufacturers by holding cloud activities such as e-channel expert forum and new car cloud release, and interacted with the audience to help manufacturers build their brand reputation.

Concurrent Events Enrich "New Connotation"

This year's Auto Expo has focused on building the "Auto Expo Plus", integrating the Auto Expo with many fields such as economy and trade, culture, tourism, sports, competition, and commerce. It has played a positive role in enriching citizens' lives, driving people's consumption, and promoting economic growth. 

Hold the Summit Forum of Auto Expo and the national conference of automobile industry. With the theme of "Revitalizing Northeast Economy and Promoting Automobile Consumption", the guests shared topics such as promoting the healthy development of China's automobile distribution industry, thinking about the innovation and development of automobile industry based on the new consumption ecology, analyzing the automobile market in Northeast China, and dealing with the marketing of car dealers, which has a very forward-looking and guiding role and won wide attention from all parties, further demonstrating the influence of Changchun Auto Expo in the industry and polishing the city card of Changchun Motown.

The opening ceremony was jointly held by the government and enterprises. Changchun continued to fully serve the development of FAW, and jointly held the opening ceremony of the 18th Changchun Auto Expo, Changchun International Automobile Culture Festival and the 3rd Hongqi Carnival with FAW Group in Hall 1 of Conference and Exhibition Center on July 10th. After two years of exploration, innovation and development, this innovative measure of government- enterprise linkage has become a feast of domestic automobile culture, which enables the general public to fully understand China FAW Group and its brand, especially the connotation of the new Hongqi brand, feel the charm of the new Hongqi brand, and fully feel the initial mission and firm determination of Hongqi as an outstanding representative of national brands to forge ahead and move forward bravely. Hongqi brand has achieved another success in this year's Changchun Auto Expo with a trading volume of 1,400 vehicles, which successfully met the scheduled tasks, up 16% from a year earlier.

Organize float parade. During the Auto Expo, with the strong support of the Changchun Municipal Cultural Radiom Television and Tourism Bureau and the Traffic Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Organizing Committee designed and held four float parades. The float team composed of 10 floats, 10 classic vintage cars and classic Hongqi cars cruised at night in key streets of our city, attracting a large number of people to watch, vividly displaying the humanistic fashion and urban vitality of Changchun, and creating a strong automobile festival atmosphere. 

Planned a whole series of automobile cultural and sports activities. We held cultural and sports events such as Auto Expo, Online Celebrity Live Streaming Competition, Auto Model Competition and E-sports Contest in the main venue, and held outdoor auto culture experience activities such as RV Camping and Auto Electronic Music Festival in the sub-venues, which formed the characteristics of city-wide linkage exhibition, set off the strong atmosphere of the International Motown, and highlighted the unique automobile industry cultural characteristics of Changchun.

The New Normal for Safe Epidemic Prevention

Under the situation that the Covid-19 epidemic has not been fully eliminated, the Organizing Committee of the Auto Expo, in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, adhered to the general principle of "simplicity, feasibility, science and accuracy" as the epidemic prevention and control. During the Expo, the Organizing Committee, together with the Municipal Health Committee, the Economic Development Zone Management Committee, the Conference and Exhibition Center and other member units, set up an epidemic prevention and control leading group, worked out a detailed epidemic prevention and control work plan for the Expo, and established a linkage and coordination mechanism of "based on localized management, and manage at municipal and district levels" to coordinate and lead the epidemic prevention work. At the same time, the Organizing Committee attached great importance to safety work and held several special safety meetings for the Auto Expo. Relevant departments such as Public Security, Fire Protection, Emergency Response and Health Care, as well as the leaders of the Braim Group and the Conference and Exhibition Center were invited to attend the meetings. Through early risk assessment, early warning and judgment, early planning of security supporting measures, key analysis of the design and safety work of the auto expo exhibition, the formulation and improvement of on-site security plan and emergency response plan were made to ensure the safety of the Auto Expo. In addition, tax, market supervision, legal aid and other institutions provided car purchase and consumption protection services, which ensured the rights and interests of consumers during the Auto Expo.

“New Atmosphere” from Media Coverage 

The Expo attracted more than 100 news media and more than 3,000 media personnel from all over the country to conduct all-round, multi-channel, online and offline simultaneous live streaming and interactive interviews and reports, with nearly 230 million online hits.

This Changchun Auto Expo was reported in CCTVs Xinwen Lianbo and Morning News, which made the overall goal of the publicity work of "stepping out of the regional limitations of provinces and cities and making voices heard in the CCTV media and international media" a reality. At the same time, we fully exploited the potential of local media, online celebrity live streaming, WeChat, Tik Tok, Kuaishan and other network media and new media, and carried out publicity in combination with multiple network platforms with a wide audience, which greatly improved the communication power and influence of information dissemination of Changchun Auto Expo.

Empowering "New Growth" by Boosting Consumption

Relying on Changchun's solid foundation of automobile industry, the influence of Changchun Auto Expo is growing day by day, which plays a positive role in leading the city's exhibition economy.

Statistically, 33,482 vehicles were sold and the total turnover was 6.69 billion yuan. There were 375,000 visitors to the Conference and Exhibition Center in the main venue, and 89,000 visitors to the sub-venues, with a total of 464,000 visitors and over 10 million online visitors.

According to the data from Changchun Municipal Bureau of Commerce, public transportation increased by 79.64% as compared with normal times, up 1.84% from a year earlier during the Expo; The business hours of surrounding catering enterprises were extended by an average of 5.4 hours, and the operating income during the period increased by 4.6 percentage points compared with 2020; As compared with the usual, the passenger flow in the leisure industry increased by 70% and the turnover increased by 72.3%, and the number of tourists in key cultural tourist attractions increased by 55.6% compared with usual. The transaction volume of advertising logistics and leasing industries increased by 77.1%, up 7.1% from a year earlier. While stimulating consumption, this year's Changchun Auto Expo also effectively stimulated tax revenue.

The new strategy of automobile industry is the new pursuit of Changchun Auto Expo. In the future, Changchun Auto Expo will exploit greater potential and make new contributions to the transformation, upgrading and innovative development of our city's automobile industry, to the overall construction of Changchun International Motown, to the acceleration of the construction of a modern metropolitan area, and to the overall and all-round revitalization of our city.